Moving Tips for Seniors

By January 26, 2017Blog

If you are an older adult planning a move or helping your senior loved ones pack up and move to a new location,

there are a few things to keep in mind before the big day is upon you. There are numerous different reasons why you may need to move your senior parents to a new home, whether they can longer care for themselves or are simply downsizing. Regardless of the reason, the entire process can be challenging and overwhelming, to say the least. In order to ensure the move is a smooth one — for everyone involved — it is important you take your time preparing for the day of the move. By planning ahead and having a good understanding of what to expect on moving day, you will have a much more positive experience.

Here are our top moving tips for seniors:

  • Plan ahead. As mentioned, it is of the utmost importance that you plan ahead when moving seniors. This will prevent a major mess on your hands — and keep you calm come moving day. Things to consider include:
  • Do I need to hire professional movers?
  • Are any items going in storage?
  • Should I do the packing myself, or hire movers for that portion too?

We recommend making a “to-do” list, starting from your moving date and working backwards. This will you stay on track and address any issues as they come up.

  • Don’t take on too much at once. Moving can be an overwhelming experience, no matter how old or young you are. One piece of advice we have is to break the entire moving process into numerous small tasks. When packing, start with one room and go from there. Keep it simple and don’t try to accomplish too much in one day, you will only wind up frustrated and overwhelmed.
  • Ask for help. When it comes time to move your elderly loved ones or yourself, do not be afraid to ask for help. This will surely be a big job, so it is important to enlist the help of your family, friends, and other loved ones. Chances are people will jump at the opportunity to help you move your senior parents, which will help make the process easier in general.

Moving doesn’t have to be an exhausting and stressful experience, all it takes is a little bit of planning. For older adults, this can be quite the challenge. Make sure to take the above tips into consideration when moving your senior loved ones, as they will go a long way. And remember, if you are moving in the Tri-Cities area, please do not hesitate to contact RJ Burton Relocation Services today. We are here for all your packing and moving needs, all you have to do is ask!

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